In honor of my sister Lori, who is due with her 1st baby (boy), I thought it would be fun to write about how babies get their names. I'm only an expert with how my own daughter got her name, but I figured that whoever reads my blog might share their own personal insight as well.
Madeline Paige B**** is what we named our daughter 7 years ago. For the first three days she was called Baby B**** because I was so scared to pick the wrong name and had not fully decided on my choices before going into labor.
The first name I came up with was Kathrine Grace. I have a very dear Great Aunt who has this name and I liked it for that reason, but I also liked it because I love nick names and Katie was my favorite at the time.
The second name I came up with was Abigail Nicole. Lori helped me with the middle name and I really liked it but when Andy came back with Abaleen, I realized he was not fond of Abigail. I told him to be sure and tell me when he didn't like names and to not make them up. lol
Then, about two weeks before I went into labor, Lori called me and told me the name she really liked and wanted to use if she had to name a little girl. She decided to share it with me because her husband had already vetoed it just in case.
On the way to work that very afternoon, I picked up my best friend Amanda and she blurted out "What do you think of the name Madeline?" Was this a sign I wondered.
I had never heard it and it had a very nice sound to it. I kept thinking over and over in my head what I could use as a middle name. Madeline Rose? I liked it alot but wasn't completely sold. Then I came up with Paige. I loved it.
When I told my mother, she was like... "What do you think of Madeline Suzanne? Or, Madeline Louann?" Uggh! I cant please everyone and I really liked Paige. Hmm.
On the way to the hospital Andy looked at me and said "Honey, this is your baby, you name it whatever you like." That was a relief and alot of pressure all at the same time. Kina like contractions. Just kidding.
When she was born, I didn't think she looked like a Katie. I always thought of a Katie as a girl with blond hair. Hers was dark brown. That was out. Would I regret Paige?
One hour before I was discharged to go home I had to give the official name. I chose Madeline Paige. Andy made me look up the spelling, but I was glad to know he liked the name.
Anyway, that is how Madeline got her name. And, my mother actually likes it too.
How about any of you who read my blog? How did you come up with you're children's names? If it is a long story, then you can post your own blog about it, just please let me know to check your site.