Wednesday, August 22, 2007
What was I thinking?
I took pictures of the "before" and when I'm done, I take some of the "after". I had no idea it was going to be such a project.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
I realize that I have a few spelling errors in my posts. I also realize that I may not always be grammatically correct either. I just learned how to spell check so that should help. If I think about all the errors I have made and add them to potential errors... I don't think I could continue posting.
I think blogging is a fun way to document life and share it with others. If what I write is understandable, then I'm okay with that. If you personally know me and there is an OBVIOUS error... Will you please email me at my hotmail account?
I'm not excusing sloppy writing, I just want this to be fun, not stressful.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
I ran across the street this morning before leaving for church. Amongst the regular weekend junk mail, I found a yellow slip that usually means there is something for me to pick up behind the counter. I couldn't imagine what would be too large for the box, because I wasn't expecting a package from anyone inparticular. It was kind of exciting.
The Postal worker traded me the yellow slip for a white envelope. It had my old address on it and nothing more; it didn't even have the city where it originated from stamped across the top like an envelope usually does. Humph!...
Did everyone get a chance to read the comment section from my post, titled "The Long Route"? My sister Lori made a comment about trying to pass the Canadian border without a drivers license, a birth certificate or a pass port. Well, here is why...

Why are you traveling between two countries with 3 passengers and 1 drivers license? Where are you comming from? Where are you going? Registration? Why does the only licensed driver have a FL license if you all live in New York? All these silly questions. Didn't we just mention I LOST my wallet? Where were you born (California and Oklahoma)?
That was it for questions at the main gate. We had to pull over, leave the keys in the ignition, and go into the white building to our left. Did I mention what mess it was becoming? Comm'on now, do we not look American? Andy has on his Boston Red Sox hat, I have on the same hat (the pink version though), and Madeline is chill'in with her Walkman player half on/half off. (We are not native to NY, and I am only a Boston fan by default of my husband. He lived a good portion of his youth in New England states and has been a fan since he was really young. I guess it did look kinda weird though.)
So how come we didn't fill out a police report? DUH! If I had known I lost my wallet before we crossed the bridge, we wouldn't have gone this way. Duh! I JUST REALIZED that my wallet was somewhere in Detroit. So, Why didn't I fill out a police report? IDIOTS! Isn't it a given?
Well, I eventually filled out a police report once customs released us and we back tracked to Detroit. I figured it was a good idea since I had my MC/DEBIT card in there along with our checkbook. Not a whole lota cash: thank goodness.
The most upsetting part of this ordeal for me was that fact that it was my Coach wallet and I couldn't justify replacing it anytime soon... Looking back though, that should have been the least of my concerns. Have you ever tried to replace the contents of a wallet? It SUCKS!
Anyway, the package I received today was the wallet I had lost back in Detroit some 4 months ago. And yes, I got my Coach wallet back. Don't think I'll be using it again. Did you see it? It wont even stay snapped. I think I'll save it for a while though. It was a nice surprise.
Friday, August 17, 2007

She didn't cut her fingers off, and the spagetti sauce turned out really good!... So, we were told.
It wasnt done by the time were supposed to eat and Andy wasnt home eighter. We decided to save it for when we could all eat it together. Then, we made zuchinni bread. It turned out SO GOOD! (I grated it though).
The next evening, I thought I would go ahead and pre make dinner because once a week, Andy and madeline are home all by themselves for an evening. Can you guess what I put out? Spagetti!
When I came home, Andy raved about how good it was. In fact, he said it was the best he had ever had. Then he asked me what I had thought of it. UM... I didn't try it yet. Poor guy! He thought Madeline and I had already eaten and because it was so good, he just finished it off.
Well, at least I made a good sauce and Madeline has all her fingers still.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
When Andy and I moved to Florida in 2002, I was kinda nervous because neigther one of us knew anyone in the area. Plus, while we were there looking for the house we finally bought, I was too loopey to pay attention to my whereaouts. I had just had surgery on my shoulder and was under the influence with pain pills. So, paying attention to roads or landmarks was not on my priority list. All I knew was that our house was close to the beach and if I wanted to leave the neighborhood, I had to cross what Madeline called "The WEE Bridge".
We arrived in Fl on a Monday morning and it took most of the day to close on the house. Again, my whereabouts was not a priority. Then, two of my best friends along with Natalie (my sister) drove from TN to help me settle in. Andy still had unfinished business in TN he needed to get back to and after the four days it took to unload the truck, he headed back. I wasnt nervous about where I was yet because my friends or Natalie always drove. And, once my friends left, my mother flew in. It was all good! Until...
I was home alone in a strange land and the only person I knew, I had met at the beach with the pick-up line that goes something like... "So, are you on vacation or do you live here?". It worked well and my friend from the beach and I are still good friends. Not to get distracted from the story though, maybe I'll post about that story another day.
Anyway, I was finally home alone. (Madeline, and our dog Molly were there too, but that dosent count). I could'nt wait to start motoring. I ventured out to the mall, but didnt take into account that there might be one way roads involved, detours, and train tracks instead of interstate entrances. It took me a while to get home that evening, but I made it and I was more confident to get out again the next day. Some of you may be wondering why I didnt just get a map. Well my only problem with maps is that if I'm lost, a map does me absolutely no good. How are you supposed to locate your spot on the map if you dont know where you are? I figured out the area pretty well in record time though. There was bay water to the east, the Sunshine Skyway to the south, Franklin bridge to the north and Gulf waters on the west. How can anyone get "lost" once they figure that out? If you hit water, turn around. ha.
Okay, so by now it had been a while since we had lived in the area. Andy was driving and he seemed to be turned around. I confidently told him that I knew exactly where we were and he needed to turn right at the light and the freeway would be about 5 miles up. I could tell he wasnt convinced, so I confirmed I knew where we were by mentioning the only old fashioned McDonald's we would see if he would just trust me. Sure enough, I was right and it felt good. He asked me how in the heck I knew where we were when it was so far from home. Ah... I said "Honey, I dont get lost anymore... I just take the long route!".
There ya have it. The story behind the saying. And, it applies to more then just driving directions for me too. I'm sure for all of you who know me, know exactly what I mean. I tend to find my way alot by the trial and error technique.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Ever since Madeline was little, I have always used the word "puttz" to define our slow moving behaviors. We seem to have a hard time getting a quick move on alot of things and it is just something I have always said.
Now, its Monday morning and I woke up at 6:30 so I could get a jump on the day. This weekend went by too fast and when it was time for bed last nignt... well lets just say it wasnt the best way to want to start the week; the house has difinately seen better days!
I find it amazing what one can get done when the house is quiet and I just get going. Now that it is 8:30am I have time to relax because the house is back together, Madeline is still sleeping and now we have the whole morning to puttz. Once she manages herself out of bed (neigther one of us seem to be morning people) we can start out on a good foot. Maybe I should really try to do the early thing more often. Especially, since school starts for the both of us in a couple weeks. No time for puttzin' once that happens!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
My sister did promise to help me with getting started. Until I get comfortable with how it all works, some of you may get a bit frustrated. Not to worry though... I'll get it eventually.
Check often for future posts.