Monday, June 2, 2008


I've been tagged by a couple of family members to share six quirky things about me. Hmm...

1) I'm a "patt patter". Ever since I can remember, I have always loved to pat the arm of, someone; I will do it as long as they will let me. My Grandma Annie has the BEST arm in the world. I am also known to pat with my foot on people's legs too. Natalie always let me do it but Lori usually put a stop to it right away. Even still, I have to put my hand on an arm or a foot on a leg when I sleep at night. Lucky for me, Andy and Madeline don't mind at all.

2) I am not a morning person. Even when I am on a schedule of waking before 9am, I look forward to sleeping in. All last month I had to be up by 5am and I dreaded it. Fortunately for me, Madeline is a sleeper too. She would naturally wake around 9 or 10am if I would let her. Works well for me when we don't have morning obligations. I think getting her on the bus by 7am is worse then not getting to sleep in though. That is a HUGE daily accomplishment. She is miserable even if she goes to bed at 7:30 the night before.

3) I am a messy house keeper. My floors are almost always swept and mopped and the bathroom is scrubbed once a week, but you wouldn't believe how messy things can get around here. I pile things a lot. Interestingly though, my piles are quite organized. I can tell you how far down in a pile something is, even if I haven't looked at it for a few days. For the record though, Andy likes to have more order then the average person so, for his sake, when I know he will be home for the weekend, I make huge efforts to declutter. When he is home on a more regular schedule, he is really good about helping. Of course, he does have his own room. It just makes since, seeing as he needs space that is just his, with no clutter. I never go in there, so there are no piles. It doesn't bother me one bit.

4) I love old men. They just make me smile. Even the grumpy ones. Very rarely will you catch me missing an opportunity to say Hi to strange old men. They are just so darn cute the way they walk real slow with a walker or all hunched over. I especially love to greet the ones with a scowl, because it is so easy to make them smile. Oh, and what about the ones that are just happy all the time... the ones that play the harmonica or sing with no inhibitions. I just love em.

5) I still use hot rollers in my hair. They are amazingly easy to use and I can get away with an extra day of not washing my hair by using them.

6) I am a hypochondriac... what nursing student isn't though. They other day we were learning about STIs (the new politically correct version of STDs). Anyway, it is a good thing I know that the little annoyances on the bottom of my feet are caused from stress. Otherwise, I would have imagined I was getting a false/positive reaction to syphilis and thought for sure that I had some rare auto immune disease that was silently killing me. Turns out, it's just eczema. Good thing I already knew that one. Ha! (Not quite as gross as it feet)!

I would tag other people, but like my mother said... Everyone who reads my blog has already been tagged.


Rachael said...

So, you finally decided to blog again. :)

I didn't know you still "pat-patted". I thought you quit that when you "grew up".

Natalie said...

this is the first time I came to your blog today. I miss the patt patts, I actually liked it, maybe because you did that to me since I was a baby that I liked it when I got older.

Cecelia said...

Good answers. You and Madeline are very similar in temperaments, so the sleeping in doesn't surprise me.

Lori said...

organized clutter huh? Way better than disorganized clutter.

I am surprised you still pat pat too. I remember I liked to pat pat grandma's arm too in church, but not as much as you.

Francie is a bit of a hypochondriac too, always worried about something minor being something serious, read her latest blog entry.

Francie said...

Almost didn't check your blog! This is great!I think you're right about the hypocondriac thing... I also think it rubs off on me.

Francie said...

Sorry, just read Lori's comment... oh, well.

Teen : } said...

Hello there from California. Hope you are well. Liked your blog even though there were no pictures... :( boohoo
I just moved in October. I found a picture I took of you your mom and daughter. It is from woman's ministry tea back about 5 yrs ago. I will have to send it to your mom to send to you. It is cute.
BTW...this is Teen from Manteca Church...heehee Happy day and God bless. Oh yea.. I organized clutter before too. Are we ADD ADHD or OCD... LOL